Sunday, 23 December 2012
Monday, 5 November 2012
प्रदूषणमुक्त दीपावली मनाएं ।
प्रदूषणमुक्त दीपावली मनाएं ।
दीपावली अर्थात पटाखे जलाना, ऐसा समीकरण ही लोगोंके मनमें बन गया है;
परंतु वास्तवमें दीपावलीमें पटाखे जलानेके प्रचलनके संदर्भमें हिंदु
धर्मशास्त्रमें कोई भी आधार नहीं है । आनंदके क्षणोंमें पटाखे जलाना, यह
विदेशी प्रथा है, परंतु अब हिंदुस्तानके लिए यह एक राष्ट्रीय समस्या बन गई
है । भजन, आरती अथवा सात्त्विक नादके कारण उस स्थानपर अच्छी शक्ति एवं
देवी-देवता आते हैं; परंतु पटाखोंकी ध्वनि एवं धुएंके कारण उस वातावरणकी ओर
आसुरी शक्तियां आकर्षित होती हैं । उनमें विद्यमान तमोगुणके परिणामके कारण
मानवकी वृत्ति भी तामसिक बनती है ।
पटाखोंके कारण होनेवाला प्रदूषण
१. वायुप्रदूषण : ‘पटाखोंमें बडी मात्रामें विषैले घटक होते हैं । उसमें
विद्यमान तांबा, कैडनियम, सीसा, मैग्नेशियम, जस्ता, सोडियम इत्यादि घटकोंके
कारण पटाखे जलानेपर उससे विषैली वायु उत्सर्जित होती है ।
ध्वनिप्रदूषण : ध्वनिका स्तर दिनके समय ५५ डेसिबल तथा रात्रिके समय ४५
डेसिबलतक होना चाहिए । रात्रि दस बजेसे प्रातः छः बजेतक पटाखे जलाना
प्रतिबंधित है । मनुष्यप्राणी ७० डेसिबलतक ध्वनि सह सकता है ।
प्रदूषणके कारण होनेवाली हानि
पटाखोंमें विद्यमान धातु तथा रासायनिक पदार्थोंके संयोगसे निर्माण
होनेवाला प्रदूषण मानवीय स्वास्थ्यके लिए घातक होता है । इसी प्रकार पटाखे
जलाते । समय लगनेवाली चोट अथवा दुर्घटना बालकोंके लिए चिंताजनक है ।
कार्बन मोनोआक्साईड एवं नायट्रोजन डायआक्साईड जैसी विषैली वायु आतिशबाजीसे
निर्माण होती है, जो मानवीय जीवनके लिए अत्यंत घातक है ।
२. सिरदर्द, बहरापन तथा मानसिक अशांति इत्यादि व्याधियां उत्पन्न होती हैं ।
३. हृदयरोग, रक्तदाब, अस्थमा, क्रोनिक ब्राँकायटिस इत्यादिसे पीडित
लोगोंके लिए यह अधिक घातक है । गर्भवती स्त्रियां, वृद्ध मनुष्य, छोटे
बच्चोंके लिए भी अधिक धोखेकी संभावना होती है ।
४. पटाखे जलाते समय
सर्वसाधारण निरोगी व्यक्तियोंको भी अपच, सर्दी-खांसी, मानसिक अशांति, सिर
दर्द, धडकन बढना इत्यादि रोग होते हैं ।
५. मानवको जितना प्रदूषणसे
कष्ट होता है, उसकी अपेक्षा सौ गुना अधिक कष्ट कुत्ते, बिल्ली, पशु-पक्षी
एवं सूक्ष्म जीव-जंतुओंको होता है ।
‘ऊंची आवाज तथा जीवित
एवं वित्तकी हानि कर विविध प्रकारसे होनेवाला प्रदूषण रोकनेके लिए
नियमोंपर का कार्यवाही करनी चाहिए । ऊंची आवाज करनेवाले पटाखोंपर प्रतिबंध
लगना ही चाहिए ।’
पटाखोंद्वारा देवताके चित्रोंका होनेवाला अनादर रोकें !
आजकल हिंदू देवता एवं राष्ट्रपुरुषोंके चित्र अथवा उनके नामवाले
पटाखोंका उत्पादन बडी मात्रामें किया जाता है । दीपावली तथा अन्य उत्सवोंके
अवसरपर पटाखे जलानेसे देवता एवं राष्ट्रपुरुषोंके चित्रोंका अनादर होता है
तथा निम्नानुसार हानि होती है -
१. जहां देवताका नाम अथवा रूप
होता है वहां उस देवताका तत्त्व होता है, अर्थात् सूक्ष्मरूपसे देवताका
अस्तित्व होता है ! लक्ष्मीपूजनके पश्चात् हम श्री लक्ष्मी, श्रीकृष्ण आदि
देवता एवं राष्ट्र-पुरुषोंके चित्रोंवाले पटाखे भी जलाते हैं । इस कारण उन
चित्रोंके चिथडे-चिथडे हो जाते हैं तथा वे पैरोंतले आते हैं । इस प्रकारके
अनादरसे देवताका अपमान होता है तथा इससे पाप लगता है ।
२. आस्थाके केंद्रका इस प्रकार अनादर करनेसे हमपर उनकी अवकृपा ही होती है ।
३. राष्ट्रपुरुषोंके चित्रवाले पटाखे जलाना, उनके त्याग और बलिदानके प्रति कृतघ्नता ही है ।
इसलिए देवता एवं राष्ट्रपुरुषोंके नाम अथवा चित्रोंवाले पटाखे न जलाएं
। यह धर्महानि स्वयं रोकना तथा अन्योंको जागरूक करना धर्मपालन ही है !
हिंदुओ, आपको पटाखे जलानेके उपरांत प्राप्त क्षणभंगुर सुख चाहिए अथवा धर्म एवं
पर्यावरणकी रक्षासे भावी पीढियोंको मिलनेवाला शाश्वत आनंद चाहिए, इसका विचार करें
दीपावली में मौम का दीप जलाना अयोग्य क्यों ?
दीपावलीमें मोमके दीप जलाना अयोग्य क्यों ?
मोममें कष्टदायक तरंगें आकृष्ट करनेकी क्षमता होना : मोम के दीपमें वायुमंडलकी कष्टदायक तरंगें, जबकि मोमकी सूक्ष्म-गंधमें ७ वें पातालके मांत्रिकोंको आकृष्ट करनेकी क्षमता है । मोमकी ज्योत कष्टदायक घटकोंके निर्दालनका कार्य न कर, उन्हें आकर्षित कर संपूर्ण वायुमंडलमें प्रक्षेपण करती है । इसलिए मोमका दीप जलाना अयोग्य है ।
मोमबत्तीके विचित्र आकारसे कष्टदायक घटक आकृष्ट होना : मोमके दीपके सामान्य (लंबी व गोलाकार) तथा विविध विशेष आकारमें कष्टदायक घटकोंको बडी मात्रामें आकर्षित करनेकी क्षमता है । ये कष्टदायक तरंगें अथवा घटक आकारके माध्यमसे दीपमें प्रविष्ट होकर वहांसे प्रक्षेपित होती हैं ।
दीपावलीके दिनोंका आध्यात्मिक महत्त्व
दीवाली (दीपावली)
व्युत्पत्ति एवं अर्थ : दीवाली शब्द ‘दीपावली’ शब्दसे बना है ।
दीपावली, दीप+आवली (पंक्ति, कतार) इस प्रकार बना है । इसका अर्थ है,
दीपोंकी पंक्ति अथवा कतार । कार्तिक कृष्ण त्रयोदशी (धनत्रयोदशी / धनतेरस),
कार्तिक कृष्ण चतुर्दशी (नरकचतुर्दशी), अमावस्या (लक्ष्मीपूजन) एवं
कार्तिक शुक्ल प्रतिपदा (बलिप्रतिपदा) ये चार दिन दीपावली मनाई जाती है ।
कुछ लोग त्रयोदशीको दीपावलीमें सम्मिलित न कर, शेष तीन दिनोंकी
ही दीवाली मनाते हैं । वसुबारस एवं भैयादूजके दिन दीपावलीके साथ ही आते
हैं, इसी कारण इनका समावेश दीपावलीमें किया जाता है; परंतु वास्तवमें ये
त्यौहार भिन्न हैं । आईए देखते हैं इन त्यौहारोंका शास्त्रीय महत्त्व
- वसुबारस (गोवत्स द्वादशी)
कार्तिक कृष्ण द्वादशी इस तिथिको वसुबारस अथवा गोवत्स द्वादशी कहते
हैं । ऐसी कथा है कि समुद्रमंथनसे पांच कामधेनु उत्पन्न हुई । उनमेंसे नंदा
नामक धेनुको उद्देशित कर यह व्रत मनाया जाता है । इस दिन सौभाग्यवती स्त्रियां एकभुक्त रहकर, प्रातः अथवा संध्याकालमें सवत्स गायकी पूजा करती हैं ।
महत्त्व : ‘भारतीय संस्कृतिमें गौ अत्यंत महत्त्वपूर्ण एवं पूजनीय है ।
उसे माता भी कहते हैं । सत्त्वगुणी, अपने सान्निध्यसे दूसरोंको पावन
करनेवाली, अपने दूधसे समाजको बलिष्ठ करनेवाली, अपने अंग-प्रत्यंग अर्पण कर
समाजके लिए उपयुक्त, खेतोंमें अपने गोबरकी खादद्वारा उर्वरता लानेवाली,
खेतके लिए उपयुक्त बैलोंको जन्म देनेवाली, श्रीकृष्णको प्रिय एवं सर्व देव
जिसमें वास कर सकें , ऐसी पात्र गोमाताका इस दिन पूजन करते हैं । वह
सात्त्विक है, इसलिए सबको इस पूजनद्वारा उसके सात्त्विक गुणोंको स्वीकारना
है । जहां गोमाताका संरक्षण-संवर्ध्दन न होता है, उसे पूज्यभाव देकर उसका
पूजन किया जाता है, वहां व्यक्ति, समाज व राष्ट्रका उत्कर्ष हुए बिना नहीं
रहता ।’
गुरुद्वादशी : इस दिन शिष्य गुरुका पूजन करते हैं इसीलिए इस तिथिको गुरुद्वादशी भी कहते है ।
धनत्रयोदशीको बोली भाषामें धनतेरस कहा जाता है । इस दिन व्यापारी
तिजोरीका पूजन करते हैं । व्यापारी वर्ष, दीवालीसे दीवालीतक होता है । नए
वर्षके हिसाबकी बहियां इसी दिन लाते हैं ।
भावार्थ : ‘जिस कारण हमारे जीवनका पोषण सुचारू रूपसे चल रहा है, उस धनकी पूजा करते हैं । यहां ‘धन’ अर्थात शुद्ध लक्ष्मी । श्रीसूक्तमें वसु, जल, वायु, अग्नि, सूर्यको धन ही कहा गया है । यही धन महत्त्वपूर्ण है; यही खरी लक्ष्मी है ! अन्यथा अलक्ष्मी (केवल पैसे) के कारण अनर्थ होता है ।
इस दिन नवीन सुवर्ण खरीदनेकी प्रथा है । इससे वर्षभर घरमें धनलक्ष्मी
वास करेंगी । वास्तविक लक्ष्मीपूजनके समय हमें वर्षभरका जमाखर्च करना होता
है । धनत्रयोदशीतक शेष संपत्तिका खर्च प्रभुकार्यके लिए करनेपर,
‘सत्कार्यमें धन खर्च होनेके कारण वह धनलक्ष्मी अंततक लक्ष्मीरूपमें रहती
है ।’ धन अर्थात् पैसा । शास्त्र कहता है, ‘यह पैसा जो हमने वर्षभर पाई-पाई जमा किया, उसमेंसे कमसे कम १/६ भाग प्रभुकार्यके लिए खर्च करना चाहिए ।’
धन्वंतरि जयंती आयुर्वेदकी दृष्टिसे यह दिन
धन्वंतरि जयंतीका है । वैद्य मंडली इस दिन धन्वंतरि (देवताओंके वैद्य)का
पूजन करते हैं । लोगोंको नीमके पत्तोंके छोटे टुकडे एवं शक्कर प्रसादके
रूपमें बांटते हैं । इसका गहरा अर्थ है । नीमकी उत्पत्ति अमृतसे हुई है ।
इससे प्रतीत होता है, कि धन्वंतरि अमृतत्वके दाता हैं । प्रतिदिन नीमके
पांच-छः पत्ते खाना स्वास्थ्यके लिए हितकारी होता है और इससे रोगकी संभावना
घट जाती है । नीमका इतना महत्त्व है । इस कारण इस दिन यही धन्वंतरिके प्रसादके तौरपर दिया जाता है ।
यमराजका कार्य है प्राण हरण करना । कालमृत्युसे कोई नहीं बचता और न ही
वह टल सकती है; परंतु ‘किसीको भी अकाल मृत्यु न आए’, इस हेतु धनत्रयोदशीपर
यमधर्मके उद्देश्यसे गेहूंके आटेसे बने तेलयुक्त (तेरह) दीप संध्याकालके
समय घरके बाहर दक्षिणाभिमुख लगाएं । सामान्यतः दीपोंको कभी दक्षिणाभिमुख
नहीं रखते, केवल इसी दिन इस प्रकार रखते हैं । आगे दिए गए मंत्रसे
प्रार्थना करें ।
मृत्युना पाशदंडाभ्यां कालेन श्यामसह ।
त्रयोदश्यांदिपदानात् सूर्यजः प्रीयतां मम ।।
अर्थ : ये तेरह दीप मैं सूर्यपुत्रको अर्पण करता हूं । वे मृत्युके पाशसे मुझे मुक्त करें व मेरा कल्याण करें ।
श्रीमद्भागवतपुराणमें एक कथा है - ‘पूर्वकालमें प्राग्ज्योतिषपुरमें
भौमासुर अथवा नरकासुर नामक एक बलशाली असुर राज्य करता था । वह देवताओं एवं
मानवोंको अत्यंत कष्ट देने लगा । यह दुष्ट
दैत्य स्त्रियोंको भी पीडा देने लगा । जीतकर लाई हुई सोलह ह़जार
विवाहयोग्य राज्यकन्याओंको उसने बंदीगृहमें कैद कर दिया एवं उनसे विवाह
करनेका निश्चय किया । इस कारण सर्वत्र त्राहि-त्राहि मच गई । यह समाचार
मिलते ही श्रीकृष्णने सत्यभामासहित असुरपर हमला किया । नरकासुरका अंत कर
सर्व राजकुमारियोंको मुक्त किया । मरते समय नरकासुरने कृष्णसे वर मांगा, कि
‘आजके दिन मंगलस्नान करनेवाला नरककी पीडासे बच जाए ।’ कृष्णने उसे तदनुसार
वर दिया । इस कारण कार्तिक कृष्ण चतुर्दशीको नरकासुर चतुर्दशीके नामसे
मानने लगे एवं इस दिन लोग सूर्योदयसे पूर्व अभ्यंगस्नान करने लगे ।
चतुर्दशीके दिन प्रातः नरकासुरका वध कर उसके रक्तका तिलक माथेपर लगाकर
श्रीकृष्ण घर लौटे । आते ही नंदने उन्हें मंगल स्नान करवाया । स्त्रियोंने
आरती उतारकर आनंद व्यक्त किया ।’
अभ्यंगस्नान (तेल-उबटनसे मालिशके उपरांत किया स्नान)के पश्चात अकाल मृत्युके निवारण हेतु यमतर्पणकी विधि बताई गई है । यह विधि
पंचांगमें दी हुई है । इसे देखकर ही विधि करनी चाहिए । इसके पश्चात माता
पुत्रोंकी आरती उतारती हैं । आगे नरकासुर-वधके प्रतीकके तौरपर कारीट (एक
कडवा फल) पैरसे कुचलते हैं ।
इस दिनकी
कथा इस प्रकार है - ‘विष्णुने लक्ष्मी सहित सर्व देवताओंको बलिके कारागारसे
मुक्त किया । उसके उपरांत ये सर्व देवता, क्षीरसागरमें जाकर सो गए ।’ ऐसा
बताया गया है कि उनके प्रीत्यर्थ प्रत्येक व्यक्ति अपने घरपर सर्व
सुखोपभोगोंकी उत्तम व्यवस्था करे एवं सर्वत्र दीप जलाए । लक्ष्मीपूजन करते
समय एक चौकीपर अक्षतसे अष्टदल कमल अथवा स्वस्तिक बनाकर उसपर लक्ष्मीकी
मूर्तिकी स्थापना करते हैं । लक्ष्मीके समीप ही कलशपर कुबेरकी प्रतिमा रखते
हैं । उसके पश्चात लक्ष्मी इत्यादि देवताओंको लौंग, इलायची और शक्कर डालकर
तैयार किए गए गायके दूधसे बने खोयेका नैवेद्य चढाते हैं । धनिया, गुड,
चावलकी खीलें, बताशा इत्यादि पदार्थ लक्ष्मीको चढाकर तत्पश्चात सभी बांटते
हैं । उसके उपरांत हाथमें मशाल लेकर पितृमार्गदर्शन करते हैं । (दक्षिण
दिशाकी ओर बत्ती दिखाकर पितृ-मार्गदर्शन करते हैं ।) पुराणोंमें कहा गया
है, कि कार्तिक अमावस्याकी रात लक्ष्मी सर्वत्र संचार करती हैं एवं अपने
निवासके लिए योग्य स्थान ढूंढने लगती हैं । जहां स्वच्छता, शोभा एवं रसिकता
दिखती है, वहां तो वह आकर्षित होती ही हैं; इसके अतिरिक्त जिस घरमें
चारित्रिक, कर्तव्यदक्ष, संयमी, धर्मनिष्ठ, देवभक्त एवं क्षमाशील पुरुष तथा
गुणवती एवं पतिव्रता स्त्रियां निवास करती हैं, ऐसे घरमें वास करना
लक्ष्मीको भाता है ।’ लक्ष्मी संपत्तिकी देवता हैं तथा कुबेर
संपत्ति-संग्राहक हैं । कुबेर देवता पैसा किस प्रकारसे रखना चाहिए यह सिखाते हैं, क्योंकि वह धनाधिपति है इसीलिए इस पूजा हेतु लक्ष्मी कुबेर यह देवता बताए गए हैं । प्रत्येक व्यक्ति विशेष रूपसे व्यापारी यह पूजा उत्साहसे तथा ठाट-बाटसे करते हैं ।इस पूजामें धनिया और खीलें चढाते हैं; इसका कारण यह है
कि धनिया धनवाचक शब्द है ।‘खीलें’ समृद्धिका प्रतीक हैं । थोडासा धान
भूंजनेपर उससे अंजलिभर खीलें बनती हैं ।लक्ष्मीकी समृद्धि होनी चाहिए, इस
कारण समृद्धिकी प्रतीक खीलें चढाई जाती हैं ।(सनातन-निर्मित श्रीलक्ष्मी
देवीका सात्त्विक चित्र । इस चित्रमें लक्ष्मीदेवीका तत्त्व २८ प्रतिशत है ।
अन्य चित्रों एवं मूर्तियोंमें यह १-२ प्रतिशत ही होता है ।)
अलक्ष्मी निःसारण
यद्यपि गुणोंका निर्माण किया हो, फिर भी उन्हें महत्ता तब प्राप्त होती है जब दोष नष्ट होते हैं । यहां
लक्ष्मी प्राप्तिका उपाय बताया है, उसी प्रकार अलक्ष्मीका नाश भी होना
चाहिए; अतः इस दिन नई झाडू खरीदते हैं । इसे ‘लक्ष्मी’ कहते हैं । ‘नई
झाडूसे मध्यरात्रि घरका कूडा सूपमें भरकर बाहर पेंâकना चाहिए, ऐसा कहा गया
है । इसे अलक्ष्मी (कचरा - दारिद्र्य) निःसारण कहते हैं । सामान्यतः रातको
कभी भी घर नहीं बुहारते और न ही कूडा पेंâकते हैं; केवल इसी रात यह करना चाहिए । कूडा निकालते समय सूप बजाकर भी अलक्ष्मीको खदेड देते हैं ।
(कार्तिक शुक्ल प्रतिपदा)
यह साढे तीन मुहूर्तोंमेंसे आधा मुहूर्त है
। बलिप्रतिपदाकी कथा इस प्रकार है - बलिराजा अत्यंत दानवीर थे । द्वारपर
पधारे अतिथिको उनसे मुंहमांगा दान मिलता था । अपात्र मानवोंके हाथ संपत्ति
लगनेपर वे मदोन्मत्त होकर मनमानी करने लगते हैं । तब विष्णुने वामन अवतार
लिया तथा बलिराजाके पास जाकर भिक्षा मांगी । बलिराजाने पूछा, क्या चाहिए ?
तब वामनने त्रिपाद भूमिदान मांगा । बलिराजाने त्रिपाद भूमि इस वामनको
दानमें देते ही इस वामनने विराटरूप धारण कर एक पैरसे समस्त पृथ्वी नाप ली,
दूसरे पैरसे अंतरिक्ष और फिर बलिराजासे पूछा तीसरा पैर कहां रखूं ? उसने
उत्तर दिया तीसरा पैर मेरे मस्तकपर रखें । तब तीसरा पैर उसके मस्तकपर रख,
उसे पातालमें भेजनेका निश्चय कर वामनने बलिराजासे कहा, तुम्हें कोई वर
मांगना हो, तो मांगो (वरं ब्रूहि) । बलिराजाने वर मांगा कि, ‘तीन पगके इस प्रसंगके प्रतीकरूप पृथ्वीपर प्रतिवर्ष न्यूनतम तीन दिन मेरे राज्यके तौरपर माने जाएं ।’ ये तीन दिन
अर्थात कार्तिक कृष्ण चतुर्दशी, अमावस्या एवं कार्तिक शुक्ल प्रतिपदा ।
इसे ‘बलिराज्य’ कहा जाता है । बलिप्रतिपदाके दिन धरतीपर पंचरंगी
रंगोलीद्वारा बलि एवं उनकी पत्नी विंध्यावलीके चित्र बनाकर उनकी पूजा करनी
चाहिए । इसके पश्चात बलिप्रीत्यर्थ दीप एवं वस्त्रका दान करना चाहिए । इस
दिन प्रातःकाल अभ्यंगस्नान करनेके उपरांत स्त्रियां अपने पतिकी आरती उतारती
हैं । दोपहरमें ब्राह्मणभोजन तथा मिष्ठान्नयुक्त भोजन बनाती हैं ।
दिवालीका यह दिन
मुख्य समझा जाता है । इस दिन लोग नए वस्त्रावरण धारण कर समस्त दिन
आनंदपूर्वक बिताते हैं । इस दिन गोवर्धनपूजा करनेकी प्रथा है । गोबरका
पर्वत बनाकर उसपर दूर्वा और पुष्प चढाते हैं तथा इनके समीप कृष्ण, ग्वाले,
इंद्र, गाएं, बछडोंके चित्र सजाकर उनकी भी पूजा करते हैं तथा झांकियां
निकालते हैं ।
भैयादूज (यमद्वितीया)
‘कार्तिक शुक्ल द्वितीया’ अर्थात यमद्वितीया कहा जाता है । यह दिन
भैयादूजके नामसे प्रसिद्ध है । इस दिन यम अपनी बहनके घर भोजन करने गए थे,
इसलिए इस दिनको यमद्वितीया कहते हैं । इस दिन किसी भी पुरुषको अपने घरपर
अथवा अपनी पत्नीके हाथका अन्न नहीं खाना चाहिए । इस दिन उसे अपनी बहनके घर
वस्त्र, गहने इत्यादि लेकर जाना चाहिए और उसके घर भोजन करना चाहिए । ऐसा
बताया गया है, कि सगी बहन न हो तो किसी भी बहनके पास अथवा अन्य किसी भी
स्त्रीको बहन मानकर उसके यहां
भोजन करना चाहिए ।’ किसी स्त्रीका भाई न हो, तो वह किसी भी पुरुषको भाई
मानकर उसकी आरती उतारे । यदि ऐसा संभव न हो, तो चंद्रमाको भाई मानकर आरती
उतारते हैं ।
प्रक्षेपित होती हैं ।
Monday, 23 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 24-07-2012
FOR 24rth july 2012
ARIES:- Today
you will get good news from your children. You will earn in speculation.
Students will be busy in their studies and they will do well. Today you will
feel romantic and might go on a date with your friend. Businessman can expand
their business and they will do well. Relation with your spouse will be cordial.
TAURUS:- Today
is the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good news from your children.
You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the offer from opposite sex.
You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is the time to invest in
speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day. Students will
concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman can open new
ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.
GEMINI:- Today
your day will be full of joy and happiness and your domestic environment will
be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden sources and if you are
planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be in profitable deal. Your
spouse will extend support to you on all fronts. Students may loose their
CANCER: Today is
the day of hard work. To achieve any target you have to work harder. With your
courage and extra effort you will get the success in your work. The relation
with younger brother and sister will be cordial and they will help you.
Relation with spouse will be good. From kids you may get good news. Lovers’
heart will be full of happiness and joy. This is not the good time to invest in
any new venture
LEO:- Today is
the day of hard work. You have to work hard to achieve your goal. Your relation
with brothers and sister will be cordial. This is not the favorable time to
invest in speculation. Don't try to take any risk otherwise you may get into
trouble. You shall get in touch with old friends. Students have to work hard
for achieving their goal. Try to be away from loose talking and gossips.
VIRGO:- Today is
the day of fulfillment. Students will study sincerely with lot of
concentration. Businesspersons will do their work with confidence and will make
good money. If you are in service your superior will be happy from you. If you
are unmarried you might get proposal from neighbors’ or relatives’ side..
Relation with spouse will be good and you will cooperate your spouse.
LIBRA:- Today
you are in need of moral support. There shall be some lack of confidence. The
expenditure will be more than income. Be careful regarding food. There is
probability of some kind of loss. Your spouse might get annoyed to you. Student
will spend their time in useless activities. Businessman might go on long
journey the result of which won’t be very good.
you will earn good money. Your long awaited desire will be fulfilled. You will
enjoy a romantic day with your spouse. You will get support from your elder
brother / sister. You will invest money in fixed deposits or in mutual funds.
You will also get honor in society.
will get honor and support from your superiors. Businessman will plan expansion
in business. Students shall be slow today. Your spouse will be happy and
contented. You won’t be happy with your children’s behavior. Be careful about
the health of your child. You can get more income from other sources.
is the day of success. Children will do reasonably well. Students can study
with full concentration and confidence. Relation with spouse will be sweet,
lovers can get chance to meet. This is the time for investing in speculation.
Overall you will get the success from the all corners. Your health will be
sound and you will feel joyful
can earn the money which was blocked from a long period. This is the good time
for making investment in speculation. You shall feel bad because of
unsatisfactory results. Help needy people. Be careful while driving on road.
Otherwise any accident or miss happening can take place. You can take any
emotional decision so be aware of that. Children will do better and you will
get support from them.
will go with your family for picnic. Unmarried person can get proposal from
their friends or relatives. This is a good time for lovers to propose any
friend. Offer any gift to their friend or your spouse. You should be cautious
towards your health. Otherwise you may have some secret diseases or related to
urinary system. Overall this is the day of enjoyment and avail the luxury and
Sunday, 22 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 23-07-2012
FOR 23rd JULY,2012
ARIES:- Students
shall take interest in their studies. For lovers it shall prove to be a lucky
day. Businessman can take major decision for their business, if you are in
service then your day will be normal if you are planning to invest in
speculation then this is the best time for you. You health will be sound and
you will be more active.
will get the favour from your mother. If you are planning to purchase property
this is a favourable day for you. On this day purchase of items like A.C.,
refrigerator, Washing machine, TV, Computer etc. for your home will be
auspicious. You shall go out for watching a movie or for a picnic. Your
expenditure shall increase. Your relation with your spouse will be cordial.
Extension or interior decoration at your home is possible. Chances of going to
a social gathering or a function are there.
GEMINI:- Today
is the day of hard work and because of that you will be more tense and
restless. The support from your younger brother/sister will make you confident.
You may take a decision with your courage and would work hard for that. So be
patient and continue your work. Money will come with your hard work only.
Relation with spouse will be generally good. Children will do better and they
can get the desired result.
CANCER: Today is
the day of hard work and because of that you will be more tense and restless.
The support from your younger brother/sister will make you confident. You may
take a decision with your courage and would work hard for that. So be patient
and continue your work. Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with
spouse will be generally good. Children will do better and they can get the
desired result.
LEO:- Today is
day of celebration in your family or you will attend social gathering. Monetary
wise you will feel satisfied. Family members would be happy with you. You will
win the heart of others by your speech. Today you will cancel the program of
shopping and you will stay at home. You may feel problem in right eye. Students
can do better in their studies. You can get money from different sources. Your
spouse will help you in family matters.
VIRGO:- Today is
the day of expenditure or depression. You might get negative results on all
fronts. So be patient and recite the mantra of Moon to get rid of from the
problems. Mantra is - Om Shram Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramase Namah. Be cautious
while going on journey. Lovers will be passionate and they will enjoy the
company with each other.
LIBRA:- This is
very auspicious day to make investment. On a rainy day this investment will be
very helpful in time of your need / crisis. Your speech will be melodious and
opposite sex will be attracted towards your speech. There are chances of
unexpected guests coming at your home so welcome them and get their blessings.
Do not over exert your self as this will not be good for your health.
is the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in
society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different
resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon
your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So
take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
might get involved in any religious work. The children's support towards you
will fill your heart with joy and energy. Their study will be satisfactory.
This shall prove to be a lucky day for love life. Your affection towards spouse
shall increase. Health will be sound. For businessman this is the good time to
start a new venture.
you will feel slightly depressed. There will be hurdles in your work today. Be
cautious while driving. Investment in speculation will be okay. Difference of
views / opinions with spouse will result in argument. It won't be a good day
for your love life. There may be pain in your left leg. Control your speech
otherwise you will get into unnecessary problem.
AQUARIUS:- Unmarried
persons shall get proposal for marriage. Unmarried young couples might get a
chance to meet after a long time. Business man can get a new business partner
or proposal. You shall get favorable results in legal matters. Your inclination
towards your spouse will increase. You can get money or financial help from
your in laws. Your children shall become more courageous. Students shall have
to put lot of efforts for getting good result. Be cautious about your health.
PISCES:- Students
shall take interest in their studies. For lovers it shall prove to be a lucky
day. Businessman can take major decision for their business, if you are in
service then your day will be normal if you are planning to invest in
speculation then this is the best time for you. You health will be sound and
you will be more active.
Saturday, 21 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 22-07-2012
FOR 22nd JULY,2012
ARIES:- Today is
the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work
with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and
enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman
shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some
honor or medal in their game.
TAURUS:- Today
is the day to get rid off from all your tensions and problems. You will enjoy
the day with your family and friends. You may participate in a social gathering
or any family function. You might purchase a new vehicle or might get some
money from parents. Your relation with mother will be good. This is the time to
increase your savings.
will feel restless and lazy. Your confidence shall increase. A bold decision
taken by you will make you work harder. Money will come with your hard work
only. Relation with spouse will be normal. Children will do better and they can
get the desired result. Students can achieve their goals easily
you will feel courageous and might try some extra ordinary tasks. You might go
on short journeys. Financial position will be average. Be cautious about
health. If you are planning to buy a vehicle then you should postpone it. Your
relation with your spouse shall be full of tension due to hot argument with
LEO:- Today is
the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in
society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different
resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon
your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So
take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
VIRGO:- Your
expenditure will be more than your income. Control unnecessary expenditures
otherwise you may be in financial crisis. Your younger brother/sister might try
to harm you. Your relation with spouse may be bitter. So control yourself and
avoid argument with spouse otherwise your domestic environment shall get
affected. This is not a good day for investment and health.
LIBRA:- Income
will balance your expenditures. This shall be average day for income and
business. Your love life is likely to improve. Long journey shall get
cancelled. If you are a student then any classmate will help you in studies. If
you are planning to get or buy a house then you should postpone it.
working condition will improve. Your anxiety shall get removed. Your father’s
health shall improve. You will be in touch with important people who will help
you to make your career or working condition. Be cautious about the health of
mother. Students can concentrate in their studies. You can get the property on
the name of spouse. You will be busy in your work. Your mood will be romantic.
You will enjoy the company of your spouse.
day will be good for you. You will earn more than your expectations. Your
destiny will be with you. Your relationship with your spouse may deteriorate,
so be cautious otherwise it may become bitter in future as well. You may get
good news from your children or they may get an award or honor in society and
also your name shall rise in society as well. Your health will be normal and
your mind will be restless.
cautious when you are driving or moving on the road as well as at the time of
working. This is the not good day for investment. Try to maintain harmony with
spouse. There shall be some unnecessary tension. Avoid unnecessary debate. Some
bad news might disappoint you. It shall be average day for love related matters.
is the good time for getting help from spouse. Definitely he/she will support
you. Your mood will be romantic. This is good time for studies. Business man
can grow with new partner. They can get new offers. This is good time for
savings but not good to invest in speculation. Your health will not be average,
be cautious regarding your food. Do exercise on regular basis. Don't hurt any
female rather be good to females.
PISCES:- Today
is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work
with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and
enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman
shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some
honor or medal in their game.
Friday, 20 July 2012
FOR 21 JULY,2012
ARIES:- Today is
the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good news from your children.
You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the offer from opposite sex.
You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is the time to invest in
speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day. Students will
concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman can open new
ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.
TAURUS:- Today
your day will be full of joy and happiness and your domestic environment will
be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden sources and if you are
planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be in profitable deal. Your
spouse will extend support to you on all fronts. Students may loose their
GEMINI:- Today
is the day of hard work. To achieve any target you have to work harder. With
your courage and extra effort you will get the success in your work. The
relation with younger brother and sister will be cordial and they will help
you. Relation with spouse will be good. From kids you may get good news.
Lovers’ heart will be full of happiness and joy. This is not the good time to
invest in any new venture
CANCER: Today is
the day of hard work. You have to work hard to achieve your goal. Your relation
with brothers and sister will be cordial. This is not the favorable time to
invest in speculation. Don't try to take any risk otherwise you may get into
trouble. You shall get in touch with old friends. Students have to work hard
for achieving their goal. Try to be away from loose talking and gossips.
LEO:- Today is
the day of fulfillment. Students will study sincerely with lot of
concentration. Businesspersons will do their work with confidence and will make
good money. If you are in service your superior will be happy from you. If you
are unmarried you might get proposal from neighbors’ or relatives’ side..
Relation with spouse will be good and you will cooperate your spouse.
VIRGO:- Today
you are in need of moral support. There shall be some lack of confidence. The
expenditure will be more than income. Be careful regarding food. There is
probability of some kind of loss. Your spouse might get annoyed to you. Student
will spend their time in useless activities. Businessman might go on long
journey the result of which won’t be very good.
LIBRA:- Today
you will earn good money. Your long awaited desire will be fulfilled. You will
enjoy a romantic day with your spouse. You will get support from your elder
brother / sister. You will invest money in fixed deposits or in mutual funds.
You will also get honor in society.
will get honor and support from your superiors. Businessman will plan expansion
in business. Students shall be slow today. Your spouse will be happy and
contented. You won’t be happy with your children’s behavior. Be careful about
the health of your child. You can get more income from other sources.
is the day of success. Children will do reasonably well. Students can study
with full concentration and confidence. Relation with spouse will be sweet,
lovers can get chance to meet. This is the time for investing in speculation.
Overall you will get the success from the all corners. Your health will be
sound and you will feel joyful
can earn the money which was blocked from a long period. This is the good time
for making investment in speculation. You shall feel bad because of
unsatisfactory results. Help needy people. Be careful while driving on road.
Otherwise any accident or miss happening can take place. You can take any
emotional decision so be aware of that. Children will do better and you will
get support from them.
will go with your family for picnic. Unmarried person can get proposal from
their friends or relatives. This is a good time for lovers to propose any
friend. Offer any gift to their friend or your spouse. You should be cautious
towards your health. Otherwise you may have some secret diseases or related to
urinary system. Overall this is the day of enjoyment and avail the luxury and
PISCES:- Today
you will get good news from your children. You will earn in speculation.
Students will be busy in their studies and they will do well. Today you will
feel romantic and might go on a date with your friend. Businessman can expand
their business and they will do well. Relation with your spouse will be cordial.
Thursday, 19 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 20-07-2012
FOR 20th JULY,2012
ARIES:- Today is
the day to get rid off from all your tensions and problems. You will enjoy the
day with your family and friends. You may participate in a social gathering or
any family function. You might purchase a new vehicle or might get some money
from parents. Your relation with mother will be good. This is the time to
increase your savings.
will feel restless and lazy. Your confidence shall increase. A bold decision
taken by you will make you work harder. Money will come with your hard work
only. Relation with spouse will be normal. Children will do better and they can
get the desired result. Students can achieve their goals easily
GEMINI:- Today
you will feel courageous and might try some extra ordinary tasks. You might go
on short journeys. Financial position will be average. Be cautious about
health. If you are planning to buy a vehicle then you should postpone it. Your
relation with your spouse shall be full of tension due to hot argument with
CANCER: Today is
the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in
society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different
resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon
your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So
take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
LEO:- Your
expenditure will be more than your income. Control unnecessary expenditures
otherwise you may be in financial crisis. Your younger brother/sister might try
to harm you. Your relation with spouse may be bitter. So control yourself and
avoid argument with spouse otherwise your domestic environment shall get
affected. This is not a good day for investment and health.
VIRGO:- Income
will balance your expenditures. This shall be average day for income and
business. Your love life is likely to improve. Long journey shall get
cancelled. If you are a student then any classmate will help you in studies. If
you are planning to get or buy a house then you should postpone it
LIBRA:- Your
working condition will improve. Your anxiety shall get removed. Your father’s
health shall improve. You will be in touch with important people who will help
you to make your career or working condition. Be cautious about the health of
mother. Students can concentrate in their studies. You can get the property on
the name of spouse. You will be busy in your work. Your mood will be romantic.
You will enjoy the company of your spouse.
day will be good for you. You will earn more than your expectations. Your
destiny will be with you. Your relationship with your spouse may deteriorate,
so be cautious otherwise it may become bitter in future as well. You may get
good news from your children or they may get an award or honor in society and
also your name shall rise in society as well. Your health will be normal and
your mind will be restless.
cautious when you are driving or moving on the road as well as at the time of
working. This is the not good day for investment. Try to maintain harmony with
spouse. There shall be some unnecessary tension. Avoid unnecessary debate. Some
bad news might disappoint you. It shall be average day for love related matters.
is the good time for getting help from spouse. Definitely he/she will support
you. Your mood will be romantic. This is good time for studies. Business man
can grow with new partner. They can get new offers. This is good time for
savings but not good to invest in speculation. Your health will not be average,
be cautious regarding your food. Do exercise on regular basis. Don't hurt any
female rather be good to females.
is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work
with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and
enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman
shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some
honor or medal in their game.
Today is the day of getting success in education.
Those in service will do their work with full confidence. Your health will be
good. You will feel joy and enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or
family function. Businessman shall go on long journey to expand their business.
Players will achieve some honor or medal in theiWednesday, 18 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 19-07-2012
FOR 19th JULY,2012
ARIES:- Today
your day will be full of joy and happiness and your domestic environment will
be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden sources and if you are
planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be in profitable deal. Your
spouse will extend support to you on all fronts. Students may loose their
TAURUS:- Today
is the day of hard work. To achieve any target you have to work harder. With
your courage and extra effort you will get the success in your work. The
relation with younger brother and sister will be cordial and they will help
you. Relation with spouse will be good. From kids you may get good news.
Lovers’ heart will be full of happiness and joy. This is not the good time to
invest in any new venture
GEMINI:- Today
is the day of hard work. You have to work hard to achieve your goal. Your
relation with brothers and sister will be cordial. This is not the favorable
time to invest in speculation. Don't try to take any risk otherwise you may get
into trouble. You shall get in touch with old friends. Students have to work
hard for achieving their goal. Try to be away from loose talking and gossips.
CANCER: Today is
the day of fulfillment. Students will study sincerely with lot of
concentration. Businesspersons will do their work with confidence and will make
good money. If you are in service your superior will be happy from you. If you
are unmarried you might get proposal from neighbors’ or relatives’ side.. Relation
with spouse will be good and you will cooperate your spouse.
LEO:- Today you
are in need of moral support. There shall be some lack of confidence. The
expenditure will be more than income. Be careful regarding food. There is
probability of some kind of loss. Your spouse might get annoyed to you. Student
will spend their time in useless activities. Businessman might go on long
journey the result of which won’t be very good.
VIRGO:- Today
you will earn good money. Your long awaited desire will be fulfilled. You will
enjoy a romantic day with your spouse. You will get support from your elder
brother / sister. You will invest money in fixed deposits or in mutual funds.
You will also get honor in society.
LIBRA:- You will
get honor and support from your superiors. Businessman will plan expansion in
business. Students shall be slow today. Your spouse will be happy and
contented. You won’t be happy with your children’s behavior. Be careful about
the health of your child. You can get more income from other sources.
is the day of success. Children will do reasonably well. Students can study
with full concentration and confidence. Relation with spouse will be sweet,
lovers can get chance to meet. This is the time for investing in speculation.
Overall you will get the success from the all corners. Your health will be
sound and you will feel joyful
can earn the money which was blocked from a long period. This is the good time
for making investment in speculation. You shall feel bad because of
unsatisfactory results. Help needy people. Be careful while driving on road.
Otherwise any accident or miss happening can take place. You can take any
emotional decision so be aware of that. Children will do better and you will
get support from them.
will go with your family for picnic. Unmarried person can get proposal from
their friends or relatives. This is a good time for lovers to propose any
friend. Offer any gift to their friend or your spouse. You should be cautious
towards your health. Otherwise you may have some secret diseases or related to
urinary system. Overall this is the day of enjoyment and avail the luxury and
you will get good news from your children. You will earn in speculation.
Students will be busy in their studies and they will do well. Today you will
feel romantic and might go on a date with your friend. Businessman can expand
their business and they will do well. Relation with your spouse will be cordial.
PISCES:- Today
is the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good news from your children.
You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the offer from opposite sex.
You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is the time to invest in
speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day. Students will
concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman can open new
ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.
Tuesday, 17 July 2012
FOR 18th JULY,2012
ARIES:- You will
feel restless and lazy. Your confidence shall increase. A bold decision taken
by you will make you work harder. Money will come with your hard work only.
Relation with spouse will be normal. Children will do better and they can get
the desired result. Students can achieve their goals easily
TAURUS:- Today
you will feel courageous and might try some extra ordinary tasks. You might go
on short journeys. Financial position will be average. Be cautious about
health. If you are planning to buy a vehicle then you should postpone it. Your
relation with your spouse shall be full of tension due to hot argument with
GEMINI:- Today
is the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in
society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different
resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon
your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So
take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
expenditure will be more than your income. Control unnecessary expenditures
otherwise you may be in financial crisis. Your younger brother/sister might try
to harm you. Your relation with spouse may be bitter. So control yourself and
avoid argument with spouse otherwise your domestic environment shall get
affected. This is not a good day for investment and health.
LEO:- Income
will balance your expenditures. This shall be average day for income and
business. Your love life is likely to improve. Long journey shall get
cancelled. If you are a student then any classmate will help you in studies. If
you are planning to get or buy a house then you should postpone it.
VIRGO:- Your
working condition will improve. Your anxiety shall get removed. Your father’s
health shall improve. You will be in touch with important people who will help
you to make your career or working condition. Be cautious about the health of
mother. Students can concentrate in their studies. You can get the property on
the name of spouse. You will be busy in your work. Your mood will be romantic.
You will enjoy the company of your spouse.
LIBRA:- This day
will be good for you. You will earn more than your expectations. Your destiny
will be with you. Your relationship with your spouse may deteriorate, so be
cautious otherwise it may become bitter in future as well. You may get good
news from your children or they may get an award or honor in society and also
your name shall rise in society as well. Your health will be normal and your
mind will be restless.
cautious when you are driving or moving on the road as well as at the time of
working. This is the not good day for investment. Try to maintain harmony with
spouse. There shall be some unnecessary tension. Avoid unnecessary debate. Some
bad news might disappoint you. It shall be average day for love related matters.
is the good time for getting help from spouse. Definitely he/she will support
you. Your mood will be romantic. This is good time for studies. Business man
can grow with new partner. They can get new offers. This is good time for
savings but not good to invest in speculation. Your health will not be average,
be cautious regarding your food. Do exercise on regular basis. Don't hurt any
female rather be good to females.
is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work
with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and
enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman
shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some
honor or medal in their game.
is the day of getting success in education. Those in service will do their work
with full confidence. Your health will be good. You will feel joy and
enthusiasm. You might attend a social gathering or family function. Businessman
shall go on long journey to expand their business. Players will achieve some
honor or medal in their game.
PISCES:- Today
is the day to get rid off from all your tensions and problems. You will enjoy
the day with your family and friends. You may participate in a social gathering
or any family function. You might purchase a new vehicle or might get some
money from parents. Your relation with mother will be good. This is the time to
increase your savings.
Monday, 16 July 2012
RASHIPHAL 17-07-2012
FOR 17th JULY,2012
ARIES:- Today is
the day of hard work. To achieve any target you have to work harder. With your
courage and extra effort you will get the success in your work. The relation
with younger brother and sister will be cordial and they will help you.
Relation with spouse will be good. From kids you may get good news. Lovers’
heart will be full of happiness and joy. This is not the good time to invest in
any new venture
TAURUS:- Today
is the day of hard work. You have to work hard to achieve your goal. Your
relation with brothers and sister will be cordial. This is not the favorable
time to invest in speculation. Don't try to take any risk otherwise you may get
into trouble. You shall get in touch with old friends. Students have to work
hard for achieving their goal. Try to be away from loose talking and gossips.
GEMINI:- Today
is the day of fulfillment. Students will study sincerely with lot of
concentration. Businesspersons will do their work with confidence and will make
good money. If you are in service your superior will be happy from you. If you
are unmarried you might get proposal from neighbors’ or relatives’ side..
Relation with spouse will be good and you will cooperate your spouse.
you are in need of moral support. There shall be some lack of confidence. The
expenditure will be more than income. Be careful regarding food. There is
probability of some kind of loss. Your spouse might get annoyed to you. Student
will spend their time in useless activities. Businessman might go on long
journey the result of which won’t be very good.
LEO:- Today you
will earn good money. Your long awaited desire will be fulfilled. You will
enjoy a romantic day with your spouse. You will get support from your elder
brother / sister. You will invest money in fixed deposits or in mutual funds.
You will also get honor in society.
VIRGO:- You will
get honor and support from your superiors. Businessman will plan expansion in
business. Students shall be slow today. Your spouse will be happy and
contented. You won’t be happy with your children’s behavior. Be careful about
the health of your child. You can get more income from other sources.
LIBRA:- This is
the day of success. Children will do reasonably well. Students can study with
full concentration and confidence. Relation with spouse will be sweet, lovers
can get chance to meet. This is the time for investing in speculation. Overall
you will get the success from the all corners. Your health will be sound and
you will feel joyful
can earn the money which was blocked from a long period. This is the good time
for making investment in speculation. You shall feel bad because of
unsatisfactory results. Help needy people. Be careful while driving on road.
Otherwise any accident or miss happening can take place. You can take any
emotional decision so be aware of that. Children will do better and you will
get support from them.
will go with your family for picnic. Unmarried person can get proposal from
their friends or relatives. This is a good time for lovers to propose any
friend. Offer any gift to their friend or your spouse. You should be cautious
towards your health. Otherwise you may have some secret diseases or related to
urinary system. Overall this is the day of enjoyment and avail the luxury and
is the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good news from your children.
You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the offer from opposite sex.
You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is the time to invest in
speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day. Students will
concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman can open new
ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.
PISCES:- Today
your day will be full of joy and happiness and your domestic environment will
be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden sources and if you are
planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be in profitable deal. Your
spouse will extend support to you on all fronts. Students may loose their
In Indian astrology daily, monthly and annual forecasts are best descibed on the basis of Moon Sign of the native. There is more accuracy in the moon sign predictions instead of Sun Sign used in Western System. The impact of transit of planets is also dependent on the position of the given planets from native's moon sign. Dasha of native is also calculated from this moon sign only . Moon Sign is the sign occupied by Moon in the natal horoscope. To know your forecast please select your moon sign.
FOR 16th JULY,2012
ARIES:- 16-07-2012 Monday
Today is the day of hard work and because of that you will be more tense and restless. The support from your younger brother/sister will make you confident. You may take a decision with your courage and would work hard for that. So be patient and continue your work. Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with spouse will be generally good. Children will do better and they can get the desired result.
TAURUS:- Today is day of celebration in
your family or you will attend social gathering. Monetary wise you will feel
satisfied. Family members would be happy with you. You will win the heart of
others by your speech. Today you will cancel the program of shopping and you
will stay at home. You may feel problem in right eye. Students can do better in
their studies. You can get money from different sources. Your spouse will help
you in family matters.
GEMINI:- Today is the day of
expenditure or depression. You might get negative results on all fronts. So be
patient and recite the mantra of Moon to get rid of from the problems. Mantra
is - Om Shram Shreem Shraum Sah Chandramase Namah. Be cautious while going on
journey. Lovers will be passionate and they will enjoy the company with each
CANCER: This is
very auspicious day to make investment. On a rainy day this investment will be
very helpful in time of your need / crisis. Your speech will be melodious and
opposite sex will be attracted towards your speech. There are chances of
unexpected guests coming at your home so welcome them and get their blessings.
Do not over exert your self as this will not be good for your health
LEO:-. Today is
the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in
society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different
resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon
your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So
take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
might get involved in any religious work. The children's support towards you
will fill your heart with joy and energy. Their study will be satisfactory.
This shall prove to be a lucky day for love life. Your affection towards spouse
shall increase. Health will be sound. For businessman this is the good time to
start a new venture.
LIBRA:- Today you will feel
slightly depressed. There will be hurdles in your work today. Be cautious while
driving. Investment in speculation will be okay. Difference of views / opinions
with spouse will result in argument. It won't be a good day for your love life.
There may be pain in your left leg. Control your speech otherwise you will get
into unnecessary problem.
SCORPIO:- Unmarried
persons shall get proposal for marriage. Unmarried young couples might get a
chance to meet after a long time. Business man can get a new business partner
or proposal. You shall get favorable results in legal matters. Your inclination
towards your spouse will increase. You can get money or financial help from
your in laws. Your children shall become more courageous. Students shall have
to put lot of efforts for getting good result. Be cautious about your health.
shall take interest in their studies. For lovers it shall prove to be a lucky
day. Businessman can take major decision for their business, if you are in
service then your day will be normal if you are planning to invest in
speculation then this is the best time for you. You health will be sound and
you will be more active.
CAPRICORN:- Students
shall take interest in their studies. For lovers it shall prove to be a lucky
day. Businessman can take major decision for their business, if you are in
service then your day will be normal if you are planning to invest in
speculation then this is the best time for you. You health will be sound and
you will be more active.
will get the favour from your mother. If you are planning to purchase property
this is a favourable day for you. On this day purchase of items like A.C.,
refrigerator, Washing machine, TV, Computer etc. for your home will be
auspicious. You shall go out for watching a movie or for a picnic. Your
expenditure shall increase. Your relation with your spouse will be cordial.
Extension or interior decoration at your home is possible. Chances of going to
a social gathering or a function are there.
PISCES:- Today is the day of hard work and because of
that you will be more tense and restless. The support from your younger
brother/sister will make you confident. You may take a decision with your
courage and would work hard for that. So be patient and continue your work.
Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with spouse will be
generally good. Children will do better and they can get the desired result.
Friday, 13 July 2012
RASHIPHAL FOR 14th july,2012
Today is the day of hard work. You have to work hard to
achieve your goal. Your relation with brothers and sister will be cordial. This
is not the favorable time to invest in speculation. Don't try to take any risk
otherwise you may get into trouble. You shall get in touch with old friends.
Students have to work hard for achieving their goal. Try to be away from loose
talking and gossips.
Today is the day of fulfillment. Students will study
sincerely with lot of concentration. Businesspersons will do their work with
confidence and will make good money. If you are in service your superior will
be happy from you. If you are unmarried you might get proposal from neighbors’
or relatives’ side.. Relation with spouse will be good and you will cooperate
your spouse.
Today you are in need of moral support. There shall be some
lack of confidence. The expenditure will be more than income. Be careful
regarding food. There is probability of some kind of loss. Your spouse might
get annoyed to you. Student will spend their time in useless activities.
Businessman might go on long journey the result of which won’t be very good.
Today you will earn good money. Your long awaited desire
will be fulfilled. You will enjoy a romantic day with your spouse. You will get
support from your elder brother / sister. You will invest money in fixed
deposits or in mutual funds. You will also get honor in society.
You will get honor and support from your superiors.
Businessman will plan expansion in business. Students shall be slow today. Your
spouse will be happy and contented. You won’t be happy with your children’s
behavior. Be careful about the health of your child. You can get more income
from other sources.
VIRGO: This is the day of success. Children will do
reasonably well. Students can study with full concentration and confidence.
Relation with spouse will be sweet, lovers can get chance to meet. This is the
time for investing in speculation. Overall you will get the success from the
all corners. Your health will be sound and you will feel joyful
You can earn the money which was blocked from a long period.
This is the good time for making investment in speculation. You shall feel bad
because of unsatisfactory results. Help needy people. Be careful while driving
on road. Otherwise any accident or miss happening can take place. You can take
any emotional decision so be aware of that. Children will do better and you
will get support from them.
You will go with your family for picnic. Unmarried person
can get proposal from their friends or relatives. This is a good time for
lovers to propose any friend. Offer any gift to their friend or your spouse.
You should be cautious towards your health. Otherwise you may have some secret
diseases or related to urinary system. Overall this is the day of enjoyment and
avail the luxury and comforts.
Today you will get good news from your children. You will
earn in speculation. Students will be busy in their studies and they will do
well. Today you will feel romantic and might go on a date with your friend.
Businessman can expand their business and they will do well. Relation with your
spouse will be cordial.
Today is the day of happiness and joy. You will get the good
news from your children. You can go ahead in love affairs. You may also get the
offer from opposite sex. You will do your work wisely and sincerely. This is
the time to invest in speculation or gambling because today is your lucky day.
Students will concentrate their studies with their soul and mind. Businessman
can open new ventures. Serviceman can do better in their job.
Today your day will be full of joy and happiness and your
domestic environment will be harmonious. You can get the money from hidden
sources and if you are planning to buy a house or plot definitely you will be
in profitable deal. Your spouse will extend support to you on all fronts.
Students may loose their concentration.
Today is the day of hard work. To achieve any target you
have to work harder. With your courage and extra effort you will get the
success in your work. The relation with younger brother and sister will be
cordial and they will help you. Relation with spouse will be good. From kids
you may get good news. Lovers’ heart will be full of happiness and joy. This is
not the good time to invest in any new venture
Thursday, 12 July 2012
satyam shivam sunderam jyotish sansthan: RASHIPHAL FOR 13rd JULY, 2012
satyam shivam sunderam jyotish sansthan: RASHIPHAL FOR 13rd JULY, 2012: These characteristics of Zodiac signs are general and should not be accepted literally because for complete analysis of the personality and...
These characteristics of Zodiac signs are
general and should not be accepted literally because for complete analysis of
the personality and nature of a person the Moon sign, ascendant sign and
ascendant lord should also be analysed for which horoscope reading is
inevitably essential.
RASHIPHAL FOR THE 13rd july,2012
In Indian astrology daily, monthly and annual forecasts are best descibed on the basis of Moon Sign of the native. There is more accuracy in the moon sign predictions instead of Sun Sign used in Western System. The impact of transit of planets is also dependent on the position of the given planets from native's moon sign. Dasha of native is also calculated from this moon sign only . Moon Sign is the sign occupied by Moon in the natal horoscope. To know your forecast please select your moon sign.RASHIPHAL FOR THE 13rd july,2012
Today is the best day of the week. Definitely you shall get honour and respect in society. Businesspersons will get more order very easily from different resources. This is the time to invest in speculation. You will not rely upon your self. The day shall be average with some happiness and some confusion. So take all important decisions wisely and after thinking over that.
Your expenditure will be more than your income. Control unnecessary expenditures otherwise you may be in financial crisis. Your younger brother/sister might try to harm you. Your relation with spouse may be bitter. So control yourself and avoid argument with spouse otherwise your domestic environment shall get affected. This is not a good day for investment and health.
Income will balance your expenditures. This shall be average day for income and business. Your love life is likely to improve. Long journey shall get cancelled. If you are a student then any classmate will help you in studies. If you are planning to get or buy a house then you should postpone it.
Your working condition will improve. Your anxiety shall get removed. Your father’s health shall improve. You will be in touch with important people who will help you to make your career or working condition. Be cautious about the health of mother. Students can concentrate in their studies. You can get the property on the name of spouse. You will be busy in your work. Your mood will be romantic. You will enjoy the company of your spouse.
This day will be good for
you. You will earn more than your expectations. Your destiny will be with you.
Your relationship with your spouse may deteriorate, so be cautious otherwise it
may become bitter in future as well. You may get good news from your children
or they may get an award or honor in society and also your name shall rise in
society as well. Your health will be normal and your mind will be restless.
Be cautious when you are
driving or moving on the road as well as at the time of working. This is the
not good day for investment. Try to maintain harmony with spouse. There shall
be some unnecessary tension. Avoid unnecessary debate. Some bad news might
disappoint you. It shall be average day for love related matters.
This is the good time for
getting help from spouse. Definitely he/she will support you. Your mood will be
romantic. This is good time for studies. Business man can grow with new
partner. They can get new offers. This is good time for savings but not good to
invest in speculation. Your health will not be average, be cautious regarding
your food. Do exercise on regular basis. Don't hurt any female rather be good
to females.
Today is the day of getting
success in education. Those in service will do their work with full confidence.
Your health will be good. You will feel joy and enthusiasm. You might attend a
social gathering or family function. Businessman shall go on long journey to
expand their business. Players will achieve some honor or medal in their game.
Today is the day of getting
success in education. Those in service will do their work with full confidence.
Your health will be good. You will feel joy and enthusiasm. You might attend a
social gathering or family function. Businessman shall go on long journey to
expand their business. Players will achieve some honor or medal in their game.
Today is the day to get rid
off from all your tensions and problems. You will enjoy the day with your
family and friends. You may participate in a social gathering or any family
function. You might purchase a new vehicle or might get some money from
parents. Your relation with mother will be good. This is the time to increase
your savings.
You will feel restless and
lazy. Your confidence shall increase. A bold decision taken by you will make
you work harder. Money will come with your hard work only. Relation with spouse
will be normal. Children will do better and they can get the desired result.
Students can achieve their goals easily
Today you will feel
courageous and might try some extra ordinary tasks. You might go on short
journeys. Financial position will be average. Be cautious about health. If you
are planning to buy a vehicle then you should postpone it. Your relation with
your spouse shall be full of tension due to hot argument with him/her.
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